The texture, consistency, and color reminded me of something I see nearly every day. It’s used to patch asphalt road cracks, seam roof shingles, and occasionally as an adhesive to apply feathers. Of course, we're not use to seeing it in this pure, bar form... so a took a picture of what a sahlman bar looks like in nature, after someone leaves it outside to melt in the hot sun:

I haven’t eaten tar before, but I'll try everything at least once.
The Sahlman bar had a sweet smell to it, much like the toffee it claims to be. When I first bit into it, it had a sweet, caramely taste. The texture was very soft... even gummy. There was a subtle liquorice taste, but it didn't seem so bad. At least, at first.
Then the unmistakable salty liquorice came out of nowhere. It was powerful, and must have been activated by a mix of chewing and saliva. I tried, but I couldn't do it -- I spit out the mouthful of yuck and took a quick swig of water.
It didn't help all that much as the flavor stuck with me quite a bit. While this Sahlman Toffee is clearly inedible, at least I have something to patch my roof should there be any leaks.