“Gotham City’s candy stores have a serious problem, Batman,” commissioner Gordon declared gravely.
Batman responded incredulously, “You lit the bat signal for this? Surely Gotham has more serious crimes to deal with than the theft of some candy.”
“It’s not just theft,” the commissioner continued, “one by one, all of the candy for sale in Gotham is being replaced with…this.” Gordon offered a seemingly ordinary-looking piece of licorice, which Batman popped into his mouth.
”ACK!!” Batman exclaimed, spitting out the candy, “what is that?”
”Salmiac,” Gordon responded, “we call it salmiac.”
Will the Dark Knight discover who is behind this new, salty menace?
Ok, let me just apologize for the use of Comic Sans in this post. That’s the end of that, I promise. As you’ve probably guessed, we have some Batman-themed salmiac today!

Since Alex has actually been seen snacking on and enjoying his last Salmiyuck entry, I decided he was unfit for more salmiac reviewing until his sense of taste has returned to normal. Don’t worry, he’ll be back at this pretty soon, damaged sense of taste or not, as I have no desire to find myself in the position of enjoying this stuff like he apparently does right now. That being said, it all works out since I’ve been wanting to try the Batman Chili Salmiakki, being something of a Batman fan and having never experienced chili with my salmiac.

Opening the package, I was greeted with the smell of licorice, which was a pleasant surprise. Each Batman Salmiakki is simply a stamped Batman logo on a seemingly ordinary piece of black licorice. I cautiously tried a piece and found that it was not terrible! Having learned my lesson about the dangers of biting into salmiac, I let the candy slowly dissolve for a while, just waiting for that inevitable offensive taste… but it never came. Bracing myself, I started chewing and discovered just a little spicy kick from the chili flavoring. I managed to finish it and didn’t find it at all repulsive!
Overall, Batman Salmiakki is actually pretty good (for salmiac). It has a modest amount of licorice, sugar, salt, and chili flavoring, but none of these are completely overpowering. While it is by no means my favorite thing to eat, I would consider having one once in a while if I was really hungry. Thanks to its largely inoffensive quantities of salmiakki and chili flavor, the Batman Chili Salmiakki earns an edible rating.